Dealing With Insurance Adjusters After a Car Accident

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Last modified on June 3, 2024

Dealing With Insurance Adjusters After a Car Accident

Being injured in a South Carolina motor vehicle accident isn’t just a frightening experience – it can also be costly. A crash may have left you with injuries requiring expensive medical care. Paying for treatment might be very challenging if your injuries put you out of work.

You could be entitled to compensation for these losses. South Carolina is an at-fault car accident state, which means the insurer of a negligent driver who caused your accident should compensate you. 

To secure this compensation, you may have to coordinate with an adjuster assigned to your case. Knowing how to deal with an insurance adjuster after a car accident is critical in these circumstances.

What Do Car Insurance Adjusters Do?

The insurance company will assign an adjuster to your case after you file a claim. A claims adjuster’s job is to confirm the insurance company is responsible for paying a claimant. If so, the adjuster also determines how much the insurer may be willing to pay.

An adjuster’s employer is the insurance company, which is a for-profit business. Reports from former claims adjusters indicate insurance companies often pressure adjusters to settle claims for as little money as possible in an effort to save their employers’ money.

The adjuster handling your case might not offer a fair settlement. There’s a good chance they’ll make a lowball offer instead.

You don’t need to accept the first offer they make. You can negotiate with an adjuster if you believe you’re eligible for more compensation. Better yet, you can have a lawyer do that on your behalf.

How to Deal With an Insurance Adjuster After a Car Wreck in South Carolina

Knowing what to say and what not to say to an insurance adjuster after a wreck can improve your chances of securing the compensation you deserve. When speaking with an adjuster, remain polite and provide general information about yourself. Examples of such information include your name and contact information.

 Be careful when describing the wreck. Here’s what not to do:

  • Don’t describe your injuries or the diagnosis you have received from a doctor.
  • Don’t say anything that can suggest you caused the accident.
  • Don’t say anything implying you might have avoided the wreck if you were cautious.

It’s also vital not to make recorded statements or sign any documents. You are under no obligation to even answer their questions.

Understanding Car Insurance Adjuster Tactics

A claims adjuster wants you to believe they’re on your side. It’s very common for adjusters to put forth a friendly demeanor when speaking with claimants.

An adjuster may very well be a compassionate person. However, in regard to your claim, their job might be to settle for as little as possible.

Don’t let an adjuster’s friendly tone or kind words trick you into saying anything that can damage your case. For example, an insurance adjuster might ask how you’re feeling when calling you. They might not be asking such questions out of genuine concern. Perhaps the adjuster is hoping you’ll say something like, “I’m fine.” They could then theoretically use this statement during negotiations to suggest your injuries aren’t that serious.

That’s just one example. If you know how to deal with an insurance adjuster after a car accident, you’ll be less likely to fall for their tricks.

The Importance of Not Posting About Your Accident

Dealing With Insurance Adjusters After a Car Accident

Insurance adjusters have ways of finding out information about you without even contacting you. The age of social media makes this particularly easy for them.

Posting about your wreck on social media is risky, as is posting any content that can suggest your injuries aren’t severe. Something as minor as a picture of you out with friends could harm your case, as it might cast doubt on the severity of your injuries.

When dealing with insurance adjusters, it’s best to stay away from social media. The terms of your settlement may also dictate whether you can post about the case on social media after receiving compensation.

Dealing With Car Insurance Adjusters After Wrecks: How a South Carolina Personal Injury Lawyer May Help

You don’t have to deal with an insurance adjuster at all after filing a claim. An attorney can handle all correspondence with an insurance adjuster on your behalf.

This gives you the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re being represented by someone who understands car insurance adjuster tactics and how to beat them. In addition, a lawyer will know how to negotiate for a fair insurance settlement after a car accident. Their assistance could improve your chances of receiving the full amount for which you’re eligible.

At Murphy Crantford Meehan, we want our clients to know how to deal with insurance adjusters. To learn more about what our South Carolina personal injury attorneys can do for you, contact us online or call us today for a free case review.

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