Common Forms of Nursing Home Abuse and Neglect

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Last modified on June 3, 2024

Too often we trust nursing homes, and assisted living facilities with the care our loved ones. In doing so we feel that we are placing them in a facility that will care for them like a family member would. We see these television commercials with the pretty actors who appear to treat the elders like gold. However, this is often far from the reality. Unfortunately, nursing home abuse and neglect continues to rise.

Some common forms of abuse are: malnutrition, theft of personal property, failure to keep the elder in good hygiene, verbal abuse, physical abuse, failure to prevent falls. These are just a few of the horrific types of abuse that occurs in a nursing home.

It is our responsibility as a society to hold those accountable who commit such bad acts. A large problem is the job compensation. These for profit companies make millions of dollars a year, yet some employees make $12/hour. A change is needed.

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