Does Renter’s Insurance Cover Personal Injury?

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Last modified on June 3, 2024

A clipboard with renters insurance listed on it next to a set of keys.

A renter’s insurance policy might cover someone else’s injuries if the tenant is at fault. However, some insurance carriers only provide coverage for specific scenarios. You can file a claim with the renter’s insurance company if the policy covers the type of accident.

Review a copy of the tenant’s insurance policy immediately after sustaining an injury on someone else’s property. You might be entitled to compensation for your medical treatment and other expenses if renter’s insurance coverage applies to your circumstances.

What Is Renter’s Insurance?

Business owners and homeowners often purchase liability coverage to protect themselves against claims arising from a visitor’s injuries. The insurance company pays a settlement so the injured party can cover their losses. The property owner doesn’t have to pay out of pocket if the case goes through their insurance company.

When someone rents an office space or apartment, they might buy renter’s insurance. Typically, renter’s insurance includes personal liability coverage. It covers another person’s expenses if they get hurt on the property due to the policyholder’s negligence.

Personal liability coverage pays for medical bills and the cost of repairing or replacing damaged property. It might also cover legal fees related to the personal injury case.

Renter’s insurance doesn’t cover injuries or damage resulting from intentional acts. For example, you likely won’t receive compensation if you purposely fell at a store for an insurance payout.

Accidents Covered by Renter’s Insurance

Renter’s insurance covers a range of accidents. The most common include:

  • Dog bites – A dog bite can result in expensive medical care to heal. Even a minor injury might require you to be hospitalized to have the wound cleaned and be vaccinated against rabies and other infections. You can file a renter’s insurance claim if the business owner or residential tenant is liable for the injury. However, some insurance companies won’t cover dog bite injuries resulting from specific breeds, such as pit bulls.
  • Fallen trees – Rental agreements often require tenants to maintain the property themselves. If a guest gets hurt by a fallen tree, the tenant can be financially responsible for the injury. However, renter’s insurance might not cover the incident if the landlord’s job is to keep the property maintained. Instead, you can file a claim with the landlord’s business liability insurer for compensation.
  • Slip and falls – A slip and fall occurs when the dangerous conditions on someone’s property cause a visitor to fall and get hurt. The policyholder must be at fault for the accident for the renter’s insurance carrier to pay. The business owner or tenant must have caused the hazard or failed to provide adequate warning of potential dangers.
  • Fires – Residential and commercial fires can result from safety code violations, faulty electrical wires, and other dangers. The tenant might be liable if their negligence contributed to the fire, causing a guest’s injuries.
  • Workplace accidents – Employees can get hurt while performing work on someone else’s property. The tenant might be at fault for dangerous working conditions. Renter’s insurance can pay the injured worker’s medical bills and other incurred costs.
  • Accidents outside – You don’t necessarily have to be inside a tenant’s office or apartment for renter’s insurance to cover your injury. If the tenant is responsible for the property’s exterior, they could be liable for accidents resulting from dangerous conditions, such as a pothole or obstructed walkway.

Accidents Renters Insurance Doesn’t Cover

Renter’s insurance doesn’t provide compensation for injuries due to intentional acts. However, specific accidental injuries might also be prohibited from coverage.

Common examples of accidents not covered by renter’s insurance are:

  • Car accidents – If you borrow someone’s car and get hurt in a crash, renter’s insurance won’t cover your injury. You must file an auto insurance claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance carrier.
  • Injuries caused by a resident – Sharing a home with a roommate precludes filing a claim with renter’s insurance if they are at fault for your injury. Insurance companies only cover the injuries of people who don’t live on the property with the policyholder.
  • Home business accidents – If you sustain injuries at someone’s home office, their renter’s insurance likely won’t pay for your expenses. You can seek compensation from their professional liability insurer if they have coverage.

Speak to a Personal Injury Lawyer Today

Murphy Crantford Meehan has a proven track record of success because we have secured compensation for countless injured clients in South Carolina. Our stellar reputation reflects our dedication, experience, and services. You will be our top priority when you hire us. We will guide you through the complicated legal process of pursuing compensation and help you recover from this traumatic experience.

If you sustained injuries on someone else’s property due to their negligence, call the Charleston personal injury lawyers of Murphy Crantford Meehan at (843) 396-3674 for your free consultation. Let us fight for the justice and compensation you deserve.


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