DUI Administrative Suspension Hearings

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Last modified on June 3, 2024

If you’ve lost your license from a DUI arrest in Charleston, Berkeley, or Dorchester County, it is possible to obtain a temporary license while your case is ongoing. You may be eligible to request an Administrative Hearing from the SC Office of Motor Vehicle Hearings.

Who is eligible to request an Administrative Hearing?

    • Drivers who refused to submit to a Breathalyzer Test.
    • Drivers who registered a .15 or higher blood alcohol content (BAC).

When can I request an Administrative Hearing?

    • Your request must be made within 30 days of the date of your DUI arrest.

How much does it cost to request an Administrative Hearing?

    • $200. (personal checks are not accepted)

How much does a Temporary Alcohol license cost?

    • A temporary license costs $100.

What happens if I win my DUI Administrative Hearing?

    • You will not receive an administrative suspension for your refusal to submit to a Breathalyzer test or for having registered a .15 or higher blood alcohol content (BAC).

What happens if I lose my DUI Administrative Hearing?

    • You will be required to turn in your temporary alcohol license and serve your suspension.
    • You will be required to enroll in ADSAP.
    • This suspension is separate from the suspension you will receive if you are convicted of DUI in court.

If you have been charged with DUI in Charleston, Berkeley, or Dorchester County, contact our office today.

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